Bibliography of the Austrian School of Economics



revised edition 2003.12.31version


(001)Boettke,Peter J.(Ed.)The Elgar Companion to Austrian Econmics,Aldershot:Edward Elgar,1994,
(002)Ebeling,Richard M.(Ed.)Austrian Economics:Perspectives on the Past and Prospects for the Future,Hillsdale:Hillsdale College Press,1991,(The Ludwig von Mises Lecture Series Vol.17)
(003)Ebeling,Richard M.(Ed.)Austrian Economics:A Reader,Hillsdale:Hillsdale College Press,1991,(The Ludwig von Mises Lecture Series Vol.18)
(004)Greves,Bettina Bien(Ed.)Austrian Economics:An Anthology,New York:Foundation for Economic Education,1996,
(005)Kirzner,I.M.(Ed.)Classics in Austrian Economics:A Sampling in the History of a tradition, 3 Vols.,London:Pickerling & Chatto,1994
(006)Gloria-Palermo,Sandye(Ed.)Modern Austrian Economics:Archaeology of a Revival,3 Vols.,London:Pickering & Chatto,2002
(007)Leube,Kurt R.(Hrsg.)Die Osterreichische Schule der Nationalolonomie,Texte Band 1:von Menger bis Mises,Wien:Manz,1995
(008)Leube,Kurt R.(Hrsg.)Die Osterreichische Schule der Nationalolonomie,Texte Band 2:von Hayek bis White,Wien:Manz,1996
(009)Leube,Kurt R.(Hrsg.)Die Osterreichische Schule der Nationalolonomie,Texte Band 3:The Essence of J.A.Schumpeter:die wesentlichen Texte,Wien:Manz,1996
(010)Leube,Kurt R.(Hrsg.)Die Osterreichische Schule der Nationalolonomie,Texte Band 4:FritzMachlup Fuhrer durch die Krisenpolitik,Frankfurt am Main:Frankfurter Allgemeine Buch 1999
(011)Leube,Kurt R.(Hrsg.)Die Osterreichische Schule der Nationalolonomie,Texte Band 5:Vordenker einer neuen Wirtschaftspolitik:Wirtschaftsordnung,Marktwirtschaft und Ideengeschichte,Frankfurt am Main:Frankfurter Allgemeine Buch,2000
(012)Littlechild,Stephen.(Ed.)Austrian Economics,3 Vols.,Aldershot:Edward Elgar,1990,(Schools of Thought in Economics)

(R001)Caldwell,Bruce J./Boehm,Stephan (eds.)Austrian Economics:Tensions and New Directions, Boston:Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1992
(R002)Collison,R.D.,A.V.Coats,C.D.W.Goodwin (eds.)The Marginal Revolution in Economics,Interpretation and Evaluation,Durham:Duke University Press,1973
(R003)Dolan,Edwin G.(Ed.)The Foundations of Modern Austlian Economics, Kansas City : Sheed Andrews and Mc Meel, 1976
(R004)Endres, A. M. 1997. Neoclassical Microeconomic Theory: The Founding Austrian Version. London: Routledge.
(R005)Foss,Nicolai Juul.The Austrian School and Modern Economics, Copenhagen:Handelsojskolens Forlag, 1994
(R006)Grassl,Wolfgang/Smith,Barry (eds.)Austrian Economics:Histrical and Philosophical Background, London:Croom Helm, 1986
(R007)Howey,Richard S.The Rise of the Marginal Utility School 1870-1889, NY:Columbia University Press, 1989
(R008)Kauder,Emil.A History of Marginal Utility Theory, princeton:Princeton University Press, 1965
(R009)Keizer,Willem/Benn Tieben/Rudy van Zijp(ed.)Austrian Economics in Debate, London:Routledge, 1997
(R010)Krabbe,J.J./Nentjes,A./Visser,H.(ed) Austrian Economics:Roots and Ramifications Reconsidered, Bradford:MCB University Press, 1989
(R011)Oakley,Allen.The Foundations of Austrian Economics from Menger to Mises:A Critico-historical Retrospective of Subjectivism, Cheltenham:Edward Elgar, 1997
(R012)Oakley,Allen.The Revival of Modern Austrian Economics:A Critical Assessment of Its Subjectivist Origins,Cheltenham:Edward Elgar, 1999
(R013)O'Driscoll,Gerald P./Rizzo,Mario J.The Economics of Time & Ignorance,Oxford:Blackwell,1985,2ed edition.With a New Introductionand Enlarged,London:Routledge,1996(Foundati ons of the Market Economy)
   『時間と無知の経済学──ネオ:オ−ストリアン学派宣言』橋本努/井上匡子/橋本 千津子訳、勁草書房、1999
(R014)Reekie, W. Duncan. Markets, Entrepreneurs, and Liberty, Sussex: Wheatsheaf Books, 1984.
(R015)Shand,Alexander H.Free Market Morality : The Political Economy of the Austrian School, London:Routledge, 1990
(R016)Shand, Alexander H. The Capitalist Alternative: An Introduction to Neo-Austrian Economics, New York: New York University Press, 1984.
(R017)Spadaro,Louis M.(Ed.)New Directions in Australian Economics, Kansas City:Sheed Andrews and McMeel,1978
(R018)Taylor, Thomas C. An Introduction to Austrian Economics, Auburn, AL: Ludwig von Mises Institute, 1990.
(R019)Vaughn,Karen I.Austrian Economics in America:The Migration of a Tradition, Cambridge:Cambridge University Press, 1994
   『オーストリア経済学──アメリカにおけるその発展』 渡部茂/中島正人訳、学文社,2000
(R020) 杉原四郎/鶴田満彦/菱山泉/松浦保編『限界革命の経済思想』有斐閣親書、有斐閣、
(R021)スティグラ-、 G.J. 『効用理論の歴史』日本経済新聞社、1979
(R022)スティグラ-、 G.J. 『生産と分配の理論』東洋経済新報社、1967
(R023)八木 紀一郎『オ−ストリア経済思想史研究──中欧帝国と経済学者』名古屋大学出版会、1988
(R024)尾近裕幸/橋本努 編『オーストリア学派の経済学──体系的序説』日本経済評、2003
(R025)越後 和典『新オーストリア学派の思想と理論』ミネルヴァ書房、2003

(001)The Review of Austrian Economics,Vol.1(1987)〜
   Vol. 1〜Vol. 3,Ed,by Murray N.Rothbard,Lexijgton:Lexington Books,1987〜1989
   Vol. 4〜Vol.10,Ed.by Murray N.Rothbard,Boston:Kluwer Academic Pub.1990〜1997
   Vol.11.〜 ,Ed.by Peter J.Boettke et al.,Boston:Kluwer Academic Pub.1998〜


(002)The Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics,Vol.1(1998)〜
   Eds.by Walter Block et al.,Piscataway:Transaction Pub.

(003)Adovances ih Austrian Economics,Vo.1(1994)〜6(2003)
   Ed.by Peter J.Boettke et al., Greenwich:JAI Press


<Carl Menger>

(001)Grundsatze der Volkswirthschaftslehere,Vienna:Braumnalter,1871
Reprinted in 1968,Carl Menger-Gesammelte werke,vol 1, Hayek FA, 2nd ed,[JCB Mohr(Paul Siebeck),Tubingen]
English translation in 1950 by Dingwall J. and Hoselitz B.F,Princ iples of Economics,Glencoe III:Free Press
Reprinted in 1976 and 1981,New York:New Yo rk University press
(002)Untersuchungen uber die methode der socialwissenschaften,und der politischen Oekonomie insbesondere,Leipzig:Duncker & Humblot,1883
Reprinted in 1969,Carl Menger- Gesammelte Werke,vol 2,FA Hayek,ed,JCB Mohr(Paul Siebeck),Tubingen),
English translation in 1963 by Francis J.Nock,Problems of economics and sociology,Urbana:University of Illinois press,Louis Schneider,ed.
Reprinted as Investigations into the method of social sciences with special reference to economics,With an introduction made by Lawrence H.White,New York university press
 『社会科学方法論 特に経済学のために』岩野晃次郎訳、高陽書院、1936
   付録・国家科学及び社会科学の方法論に対するC.メンガ−及びW.ディルタイ の著述(シュモラ−)/独逸国民経済学に於ける歴史主義の誤謬(メンガ−)/独逸国民経済学に於ける歴史主義の誤謬(シュモラ−)
(003)Die Irrthumer des Histrismus in der deutschen Nationalokonomie,Wien:Alfred Holder,1884
“独逸国民経済学に於ける歴史主義の誤謬”『社会科学の方法に関する研究』戸田武雄訳、日本評論社、1937 所収
“ドイツ経済学における歴史主義の誤謬”『経済学の方法』吉田昇三改訳、日本経済評論社、1986 所収
(004)On the origin of money,translated by C.A Foley Economic journal,2,june,pp239-55,1892,
Reprinted in 1984,The Origin of Money,Greenwich:Committee for Monetary Res.& Educ., CMRE Monographs No.40,
Reprinted in 1990,In "Austrian Economics",vol II,Stephen Littlechild,ed, Edward Elgar,pp179-195
Reprinted in 1991,In "Austrian economics:a reader", Ebeling R,ed,Champions of freedom,The Ludwig von Mises Lecture series,vol 18,Michigan, Hillsdale College Press,pp483-504,
Reprinted in 1994,In "Classics in Austrian Economics", vol I,Isreal Kirzner,ed,London:William Pickering,vol I,pp.91-106
(005)Grundsatze der Volkswirthschaftslehere,2.Aufl.,it einem Geleitwort von Richard Schuller,aus dem Nachlas herausgegenben von Karl Menger,Wien und Leipzig:Holder-Pichler-Tempsky,1923
(006)The Collected Works of Carl Menger,4 Vols.Edited and Introduction by F.A.Hayek,London:London Schol of Economics & Political Science,1933-1936,
Series of Reprints of Scrce Tracts in Economics and Political science No.17-20,
Reprinted as 2ed ed. in 1968-1970,Tubingen:JCB Mohr
(007)Carl Menger's Lectures to Crown Pprince Rudoruf of Austria, Streissler,Erich W./Monika Streissler(eds.), Aldershot:Edward Elger, 1994
(008)Carl Menger and the Evolution of Payments System:From Barter to Electronic Money,Latzer,Michael /Stefan W.Schmitz (Eds.),Cheltenham:Edward Elgar,2002
English translation from German's article "Geld"

(R001)Alter,Max. Carl Menger and the origins of Austrian economics,Boulder:Westview,1990
(R002)Blaug,Mark(Ed.).Carl Menger (1840-1921), Aldershot:Edward Elgar, 1992
(R003)Caldwell,Bruce J. (Ed.).Carl Menger and His Legacy in Economics, Durham:Duke University Press, 1990
(R004)Hicks,J.R./W.Weber(eds.).Carl Menger and the Austrian School of Economics, Oxford:Oxford University Press, 1973
(R005)Ikeda,Yukihiro. Die Entsthehungsgeschichte Der "Grunfsatze" Carl Mengers, Scripta Mercaturae Verlag, 1997
(R006)林 治一『オ−ストリア学派研究序説』 有斐閣、1966
(R007)玉野井 芳郎「カ−ル・メンガ−とその貨幣起源論」『転換する経済学』東京大学出版会、1975
(R008)玉野井 芳郎「経済の二つの意味」『市場志向からの脱出』ミネルヴァ書房、1979
(R009)ハイエク,F.A.「経済思想史におけるメンガ−『原理』の地位」『市場・知識・自由 自由主義の経済思想』田中正晴/他編訳、ミネルヴァ書房、1986
(R010)ハイエク,F.A 「メンガ−論」一杉哲也訳、『限界効用学派 経済思想発展史W』スピ−ゲル編、越村信三郎/伊坂市助監訳、東洋経済新報社、1954
(R012)ポランニ-、カ-ル「メンガ−における『経済的』の二つの意味」『現代思想』Vol.5 No. 11,1977-10 再録『エコノミ−とエコロジ−』玉野井芳郎、みすず書房、1978、所収
(R013)山田 雄三編『経済学全集9 近代経済学の生成』河出書房、1955

<Eugen von Bohm-Bawerk>

(001)Kapital und Kapitalzins,volume 1:Geschichte und kritik der kapitalzins-theorien;Innsbruck: Wagner,1884,
Reprinted in 1909 and 1921,Innsbruck:Wagner Reprinted in 1961,Meisenheim/Glan:Anton
English translation in 1959,Capital and interest,vol I:history and critique of interest theories,by George D.Huncke and H.F Sennholz,South Holland Ill:Libertarian Press
(002)Gesammelte Schriften,vol I-II,ed F.X Weiss,Vienna:Holder,1886
(003)"Grundzuge der theorie des wirtschaftlichen guterwerts", Jahrbucher fur Nationalokonomie und statistik, 13,1986,pp.1-82,pp.477-541
Reprinted in 1932, London:london chool of Economics and Political science,Series of Reprints of Scrce Tracts in Economics and Political science No.11
(004)Kapital und Kapitalzins,volume II:Positive theorie des Kapitales,Innsbruck:Wagner,1889
Reprinted in 1914 and 1921,Innsbruck:Wagner Reprinted in 1961,Meisenheim/Glan:Anton
English translation in 1959,Capital and interest,vol II:Positive theory of capital,by George D.Huncke and H.F Sennholz,South Holland Ill:Libertarian Press
(005)The Historical vs the deductive method in political economy, Annals of the american academy of political and social science,vol 1,pp244-271,1891
Reprinted in 1994,In "Classics in Austrian Economics",vol I,Isreal Kirzner, ed,London:William Pickering,vol I,pp.109-130
(006)The Austrian economists,English Translated by Henrietta Leonard, Annals of the american academy of political and social science,vol 1,pp361-384,1891
German translation in 1924,"Die Asterreichische Schule",In "Gesammelte Schriften von Eugen von Bohm-Bawerk",vol 1,edited by Franz X. Weiss,Wien:Holder-Pichler-Tempsky,pp2 05-229
Reprinted in 1962,In "Shorter Classics of eugen von Bohm-Bawerk",Vol.1,South Holland,I ll.:Libertarian Press,pp1-24,Reprinted in 1996,In "Austrian Economics:An Anthology",Greves,Bettina Bien(ed.),New York:Foundation for Economic Education,pp85-104
(007)Zum Abschluss des Marxschen System,in Wissenschaftsliche Arbeiten Festgaben fur Karl Knies zur Funfundsiebzigsten Wienderkehr,Berlin:Haring,S.85-205,1896
English translation in 1898 by Alice MacDonald,with a preface by J.Bonar,Karl Marx and the Close of his system, London: T.Fischer Unwin,
Reprinted in 1949 by P.M.Sweezy(ed.) New York:Augustus M.Kelley,
Repinted in 1962,In "Shorter Classics of eugen von Bohm-Bawerk",Vol.1,South Holland,Ill.:Libertarian Press,pp201-302
(008)Gesammelte Schriften von Eugen von Bohm-Bawerk,ed.Franz X.Weisz,Wien und Leipzig: Holder-Pichler-Tempsky,1924
(009)Shorter Classics of eugen von Bohm-Bawerk,Vol.1,South Holland,Ill.:Libertar ian Press,1962
(010)Earlier Lectures on Economics by Bohm-bawerk,Tomo,Shigeki ed.Tokyo:The Center for Historical Social Science Literature,1987,Study series No.13

(R001)Blaug,Mark.(ed.).Eugen von Bohm-Bawerk (1851-1914) and Friedrich von Wieser (1851-1926),Aldershot:E.Elgar Pub.,1992
(R002)Hennings,Klaus H.The Austrian Theory of Value aand Capital:Studies in the Life & Work of Eugen Von Bohm-B awerk, Cheltenham:Edward Elgar, 1997
(R003)Kuenne,Robert E. Eugen von Bohm-Bawerk, NY.:Columbia University Press, 1971
(R004)Schumpeter, Joseph A. "Eugen von Bohm-Bawerk," Ten Great Economists, New York: Oxford University Press, 1951, pp. 143-90.
(R005)Shigeki,Tomo. Eugen von Bohm-Bawerk:Ein grober osterreichischer Ntionalokonom zwischen Theorie und Praxis, Marbutg:Metropolis Verlag, 1994
(R006)三谷 友吉『資本利子論の研究──ボェ−ム資本利子論その発展と適用』三和書房1952
(R007)石塚 杉男『資本と時間──オ−ストリア派資本理論の研究』九州大学出版会、1993

<Friedrich von Wieser >
(001)Uber den Ursprung und die Hauptgesetze des wirthschaftlichen Werthes,Wien : A. Holder, 1884
(002)Der naturliche Werth,Wien : Holder, 1889.
English translation in 1893 by Christian A. Malloch.Lond,Natural value; ed. with a preface and analysis by William Smart,London:Macmillan
『自然価値論』大山千代雄訳, 有斐閣, 1937
(003)The Austrian school and the theory of value,London:Macmillan,1891
(004)Uber die Valuta-Regulirung in Osterreich:Vortrag gehalten am 19. Janner 1891 im Deutschen Juristenverein zu Prag,Prag : Druck der k. u. k. Hofbuchdruckerei A. Haase, 1891
(005)Theory of value, Philadelphia : American Academy of Political and Social Science,1892
(006)Grossbetrieb und Productivgenossenschaften,Wien;Prag:F. Tempsky.Leipzig:G. Freytag,1892
(007)Die Besteuerung auslandischer Glaubiger in Osterreich:ein Nachwort zum Couponprocesse der Staatsbahn,Wien;Prag:F. Tempsky,Leipzig:G.Freytag,1893
(008)Die Wahrungsfrage und die Zukunft der osterreichisch- ungarischen Valutareform,Wien;Leip.:[s.n.],1894.
(009)Grenznutzen,Jena: Gustav Fischer,1900
(010)Die Ergebnisse und die Aussichten der Personaleinkommensteuer in Osterreich,Leipzig Duncker & Humblot 1901
(011)Uber die gesellschaftlichen Gewalten : Rectoratsrede gehalten in der Aula der k.k. Deutschen Carl-Ferdinands-Universitat in Prag,Prag:Selbstverlag der k.k.Deutschen Carl-Ferdinands-Universitat,1901
(012)Die deutsche Steuerleistung und der offentliche Haushalt in Bohmen,Munchen;Prag:G.D.W. Callwey,1902
(013)Uber Vergangenheit und Zukunft der osterreichischen Verfassung,Wien : Carl Konegen (Ernst Stulpnagel), 1905
(014)Die Besteuerung der Stadt und des Kapitales in Osterreich : zwei Vortrage gehalten im Niederosterreichischen Gewerbeverein am 7. und am 14. Dezember 1906,Wien ; Leipzig : Wilh. Braumuller,1907
(015)Arma virumque cano:Separatabdruck aus der Festschrift zum 100jahrigen Jubilaum des Schottengymnasiums,Wien:Im Selbstverlage,1907
(016)Die Theorie der stadtischen Grundrente,Wien ; Leip.:[s.n.],1909.
(017)Recht und Macht:Sechs Vortrage, Leip.:Duncker & Humblot,1910.
(018)Theorie der gesellschaftlichen Wirtschaft,Tubingen:J.C.B. Mohr,1914
English translation in 1927 by A. Ford Hinrichs,Social economics,with a preface by Wesley Clair Mitchell.London:George Allen & Unwin
(019)Die Lehren des Krieges,Warnsdorf:Ed. Strache,1915
(020)Osterreich und der Krieg,Wien:Ed. Holzel,1915
(021)Osterreichs Ende, Berlin:Ullstein & Co., 1919
(022)Grundriss der Sozialokonomik,Tubingen:[s.n.],1924
(023)Das Gesetz der Macht, Wien : Springer,1926.
English translation in 1983 by W.E. Kuhn,The law of power = Das Gesetz der Macht, 1926,edited with an introduction by Warren J. Samuels. Lincoln, Neb.: Bureau of Business Research, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
(024)Gesammelte Abhandlungen; mit einer biographischen Einleitung herausgegeben von Friedrich A. v. Hayek.,Tubingen:J.C.B.Mohr,1929

(R001)Blaug,Mark.(ed.)Eugen von Bohm-Bawerk (1851-1914) and Friedrich von Wieser (1851-1926),Aldershot:E.Elgar Pub.,1992
(R002)Wilmes, Eugen.Friedrich von Wieser (1851-1926) als Soziologe,Bonn:Rheinischen Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universitat,1985

<Ludwig von Mises>
(001)Theorie des Geldes und der Umlaufsmittel,Munich & Leipzig:Duncker & Humblot,1912,
2ed ed.in 1924 with new introd.by author
English translation of the 2ed ed.in 1934 by H.E.Batson,The Theory of Money and Credit, with introd.by Lionel Robbins,London:Jonathan Cape,
Reprint of New Edition in 1953,Enlarged with an Essay,New Haven:Yale University Press,
Reprint of 1953ed in 1971 by Irving ton-on-Hudson,N.Y.:The Foundation for Economic Education,
Reprint by 1953ed in 1980 with a new foreword by Murray N.Rothbard ,Indianapolis:Liberty Fund
(002)"Die Wirtschaftsrechnung im Sozialistischen Gemeinwesen",1920, Archiv fur Sozialwissenschaft und Sozialpolitik, No.47, 1920.pp86-121
English Translation by S.Adler,"Economic Calculation in the Socialist Commonweath", and Reprinted in 1935,In "Collective Economic Planning",F.A.Hayek ed.,pp.87-130,
Reprinted in 1990,In "Austrian Economics",Vol.III,Stephen Littlechaild ed., Aldershot:Edward Elgar,(Schools of Thought in Economics),pp251-294,
Reprinted in 1990 with a Foreword by Yuri N.Maltsev and Introd.by Jacek Kochanowicz and Postcript by Joseph T.Salerno,Auburn :The Ludwig von Mises Institution,
Reprinted in 1994,In "Classics in Austrian Economics: A Samplng in the History of a tradition",Vol.III,I.M.Kirzner ed.,London:William Pickering & Chatto,pp3-30,
(003)Die Gemeinwirtschaft:Untersuchungen uber den Sozializmus,Jena:Gustav Fischer,1922,2ed ed.1932
English translation of 2ed German edition by J.Kahane in 1936,Socialism: An economic and sociological analysis,London:Jonathan Cape,
Reprint in 1951,with a new edition,enlarged with an Epilogue,New Haven:Yale University Press,
Reprint in 1981,with a new Foreword by F.A.Hayek,by Indianapolis:Liberty Fund
(004)kritik der Interventionismus:Untersuchungen zur Wirtschaftspolitik und Wirtschaftsideologie der Gegenwart,Jena:Gustav Fisher,1929,Reprinted in 1976 with an introd. by F.A.Hayek and also added in a essay.
English translation by Hans F.Senholz in 1977,A critique of Imterventionism with a German 1929ed plus a essay
(005)Grundprobleme der Nationalokonomie:Unterschungen uber Verfahren,Aufgaben und Inhalt der Wirtschafts- und Gesellschaftslehre,Jena:Gustav Fisher,1933
English translation by George Reisman in 1960,Epistemological Problems of Economics,Princeton:Princeton University Press,Reprint in 1981,with a new Foreword by Ludwig M.Lachmann,by New York:New York University
(006)Omnipotent Government:The rise of the total state and total war,New Havan:Yale University Press
Reprint in 1969,by New Rochelle:Arlington House
(007)Human Action: A treatise on economics,New Havan:Yale University Press,1949
2ed ed.revised and Enlarged,1963,3rd ed.Chicago:Henry Regnery,1966
(008)Planning for Freedom and Other Essays and Addresses,South Holland:Libertarian Press,1952,2ed ed.1962,3rd ed.Enlarge,1974,4th ed.Enlarged,1980
(009)The Anticapitalistic Mentality,Princeton:D.Van Nostland,1956
Reprint in 1972,South Holland:Libertarian Press
(010)Theory and History:An Interpretation of Social and Economic Evolution,New Havan:Yale University Press,1957
Reprint in 1969,New Rochelle:Arlington House
(011)El Establecimiento Historico de la Escueda Austriaca de Economia,Coleccion Investigaciones No.43,Universidad National de la Plata(Argentina),Facultad de Ciencias Economicas,1 962,first published in Spanishe Translation,
The Historical Setting of the Austrian School of Economics,New Rochelle:Arlington House,1969.
Reprint in 1984,by Auburn:Ludwig von Mises Institute,Reprint in 1996,In "Austrian Economics:An Anthology",Greves,Bettina Bien(ed.),New York:Foundation for Economic Educat ion,pp53-76
(012)Ultimate Foundations of Economic Science:An Essay on Method,Princeton:D.Van Nostrand,1962
Reprint in 1978,by Kansas City:Sheed & McMeel with a New Foreword by Isreal M.Kirzner
  『経済科学の根底』村田稔雄訳、「経済論壇」Vol.14 No.8 −Vol.15 No.8,1968-69
(013)Economic Policy:Thoughts for Today and Tomorrow,South Bend,Indiana:Regnery/Gateway,1979
  『自由への決断──今日と明日を思索するミーゼスの経済学』村田稔雄訳、広文社,1 980
(014)Money, Method, and the Market Process:Essays by Ludwig von Mises,Ebeling,Richard M. (ed.),Norwell:Kluwer Academic Publishers,1990
(015)Economic Freedom and Interventionism-An Anthology of Articles and Essays,Selected and Ed. Bettina Bien Greaves,NY:The Foundation for Economic Education in,1990
(016)Interventionism:An Economic Analysis,Ed.Greaves,Bettina Bien, Irvington:The FEE, 1998
(017)Selected Writings of Ludwig von Mises Vol.2:Between the Two World Wars:Monetary Disorder,Interventionism,Socialism,and the Great Depression,Ebeling,Richard M.(Ed.),Indianapolis:Liberty Fund,2002
(018)Selected writings of Ludwig von mises Vol.3:The Political Economy of International Reform and Reconstruction,Ebeling,Richard M.(Ed.),Indianapolis:Liberty Press,2000

(R001)Andrews,Jr.,John K.(ed.)..Homage to Mises:The First Hundred Years,hillsdale:Hillsdale Press,1981
(R002) Greaves,Bettian Bien/McGee,Robert W.(compiled)..Mises:An Annotated Bibriography, Irlington:The Foundation for Economic Education, 1993
(R003)Greaves,Bettian Bien/McGee,Robert W.(compiled).. Mises:An Annotated Bibriography,1982-1993 Update, Irlington:The Foundation for Economic Education, 1995
(R004)Butler,Eamonn..Ludwig von Mises - Fountainhead of the Modern Microeconomics Revolution, Aldershot: Gower, 1988
(R005)David Gordon..Ludwig von Mises : an annotated bibliography,Auburn:Ludwig von Mises Institute, Auburn University,1988
(R006)Edwards,James Rolph..The Economist of the Country : Ludwig von Mises in the History of Monetary Thought,NY:Carlton Press,1985
(R007)Greaves, Percy L..Mises made easier : a glossary for Ludwig von Mises' Human action,Dobbs Ferry,N.Y.:Free Market Books,1974
(R008)Gunning,James..The new subjectivist revolution : an elucidation and extension of Ludwig Von Mises's contributions to economic theory,Savage, Md.;Rowman & Littlefield,1991
(R009)Kirzner,Israel M..Ludwig von Mises : the man and his economics,ISI Books, 2001
(R010)Kirzner,Israel M.(Ed.)..ethod,Process, and Austrian Economics : Essays in Honor of Ludwig von Mises,Lexington:Lexington Books,1982
(R011)Hayek,F.A.,Hazlitt,H.,et al (Eds.)..Toward Liberty : Essays in Honor of Ludwig von Mises on the Occasion of His 90th Birthday,2 Vols.Menlo Park:Institute for Humane Studies,1971
(R012)Herbener,Jeffrey M.(ed.). The Meaning of Ludwig von Mises:Contributions in Economics,Sociology,Epistemology, and Pol. Phil., Dordrecht:Kluwer Academic, 1993
(R013)Moss,Laurence S.(Ed.)..The Economics of Ludwig von Mises : Toward a Critical Reappraisal, Kansas City : Sheed and Ward, 1976
(R014)Oakley, Allen..The foundations of Austrian economics from Menger to Mises : a critico-historical retrospective of subjectivism,Cheltenham;Lyme,N.H.:Edward Elgar Pub,1997
(R015)Paul,Congressman Ron..Mises and Austrian Economics : A Personal View,Auburn:The Ludwig von Mises Institution,1984
(R016)Rothbard,Murray N..Ludwig von Mises:Scholar,Creator,Hero, Auburn:Ludwig von Mises Institute, 1988,
(R017)Rothbard, Murray N. The Essential von Mises, Auburn, AL: Ludwig von Mises Institute, 1983; reprinted from Planning for Freedom, South Holland, IL: Libertarian Press, 1980
(R018)Senholz,Mary (ed.)..On Freedom and Free Enterprise:Essays in Honor of Ludwig von Mises,New York:D.Van Nostrand,1956
(R019)Steele, David Ramsay..From Marx to Mises : post-capitalist society and the challenge of economic calculation,La Salle, Ill.:Open Court,1992
(R020)Skousen,Mark..Austrian Economics for Investors:Ludwig von Mises Goes to Wall Street,London:Pickering and Chatto,1995
(R021)Von Mises, Margit..My years with Ludwig von Mises,New Rochelle, N.Y.:Arlington House,1976
(R023)村田稔雄.「ミ−ゼス研究(一)〜(四)」『横浜商大論集』Vol.6 No.1,1972-10 ,Vol.17 No.1,1973-11,Vol.10 No.1/2,1977-2,Vol.12 No.1,1978-12
(R024)村田稔雄.「ミ−ゼスとハイエク(一)〜(三)」『経済論壇』Vol.13 No.7,1967-9 、Vol.13 No.9,1967-10、Vol.13 No.10,1967-11
(R026)一谷藤一郎.「オ−ストリア学派経済学の新展開――ル−ドウィヒ・フォン・ ミ−ゼス」『経済学全集・第10巻 近代経済学の展開』北野登喜男編、河出書房、 1956

<Friedrich August von Hayek>
またオンライン版の著作リストは、The Friedrich Hayek Scholars' Pageで見ることが出来る。

(001)Geldtheorie und konjunkturtheorie, Vienne & Leipzig:Holder-Pichler-Tempsky,1929
   English translation by N. Kaldor & H M Croomeen 1933, Monetary theory and The trade Cycle,London:Jonathan Cape,Reprinted in 1966, New York:Augustus M.Kelley Reprinted in 1978
  『ハイエク全集 第一巻 貨幣理論と景気循環/価格と生産』古賀勝次郎/谷口洋二/ 他訳、春秋社、1989
(002)Prices and production,London:Routledge,1931,2nd edition, revision and enlargement in 1935,London:Routledge et Kegan Paul
Reprinted in 1978,New York:Kelley,Austrian printing in 1931, Preise und produktion,Vienna:J. Springer
  『ハイエク全集 第一巻 貨幣理論と景気循環/価格と生産』古賀勝次郎/谷口洋二/他訳、春秋社、1989
(003)Collectivist Economic Planning:Critical Studies on the Possibilities of Socialism,(ed.)F.A. Hayes,London:Routledge,1933,Reprinted in 1975,Clifton:Augustus M.Kelley
(004)Profit, Interest and investment and other essays on the theory of industrial fluctuations,London:Routledge,1939
Reprinted in 1969 and in 1975, New York; Augustus M. Kelley
  『ハイエク全集 第二巻 利潤・利子および投資』加藤寛/林直嗣/他訳、春秋社、1989
(005)The pure theory of capital,Chicago:Universityof Chicago Press;London:Routledge,1941
Reprinted in 1950, Paperback edition,1975,Chicago:University of Chicago press
(006)The road to serfdom,London:Routledge,Chicago:University of Chicago press.1944
Paperback edition in 1956, University of Chicago press, Reprinted in 1975
(007)Individualism and economic order,Londres:Routledge & Kegan Paul,Chicago:University of Chicago press,1948
Reprinted in 1949, Routledge & Kegan Paul,Reprinted in 1960 and in 1976
  『ハイエク全集 第三巻 個人主義と経済的秩序』鍛冶元郎/佐代訳、春秋社、1990
(008)The counter-revolution of science:studies in the abuse of reason,Glencoe,Illinois:The free press,1952
2nd edition in 1959, New York:Free press, New edition in 1964,Reprint in 1979, Indianap olis : Liberty press
(009)The sensory order:an inquiry into the foundations of theoretical psychology,London:Routledge & Kegan Paul,Chicago:University of Chicago press,1952
Reprinted in 1963,Chicago:University of Chicago Press,Phoenix books Paperback edition in 1976,Chicago:University of Chicago press
  『ハイエク全集 第四巻 感覚秩序』穐山貞登訳,春秋社、1989
(010)The constitution of liberty,London:Routledge & Kegan Paul,Chicago:University of Chicago Press,Toronto:The university of Toronto press ,1960
Paperback edition in 1972,Chicago:Henry Regnery co,Gateway edition Reprinted in 1978, Chicago and London,University of Chicago press/Routledge & Kegan Paul
  『ハイエク全集 第五巻 自由の条件T 自由の価値』気賀健三/古賀勝次郎訳、春秋社、1986
  『ハイエク全集 第六巻 自由の条件U 自由と法』気賀健三/古賀勝次郎訳、春秋社、 1986
  『ハイエク全集 第七巻 自由の条件V 福祉国家における自由』気賀健三/古賀勝次郎訳、春秋社、1987
(011)Studies in philosophy, politics, and economics,London:Routledge and Kegan Paul,Chicago: University of Chicago press,Toronto:University of Toronto press,1967
Paperback edition in 1969,Nw York:Simon & Schuster,Clarion books
(012)Freiburger Studien,Gesammelte aufsatze,Tubingen:Walter Eucken Institut,J.C.B Mohr/P.Siebeck,1969
(013)Law, Legislation and Liberty:a new statement of the liberal principles of justice and political economy, vol 1,Rules and order,Chicago:University of Chicago press,London:Routledge & Kegan Paul,1973
  『ハイエク全集 第八巻 法と立法と自由T ル−ルと秩序』矢島鈞次/水吉俊彦訳、 春秋社、1987
(014)Law, Legislation and Liberty:a new statement of the liberal principles of justice and political economy,vol 2,The mirage of social justice,Chicago and London:Unversity of Chicago p ress,Routledge & Kegan Paul,1976
  『ハイエク全集 第九巻 法と立法と自由U 社会正義の幻想』篠塚慎吾訳,春秋社、 1987
(015)Denationalization of money:an analysis of the theory and practice of concurrent currencies, London:Institute of economic affairs, Hobart special paper 70,1976
Reprinted and enlarged in 1978,Denationalization of money-the agument refined,Hobart paper 70,London:Institute of economic affairs
(016)New Studies in Philosophy,Politics,Economics,and the history of ideas,Chicago,University of Chicago Press,London:Routledge & Kegan Paul,1979
Reprinted in 1985
(017)Law, Legislation and Liberty:a new statement of the liberal principles of justice and political economy,vol 3,The political economy of free people,Chicago:University of Chicago pres s,Londres:Routledge & Kegan Paul,1979
Reprint in One Volume(Vol.1,vol.2,Vol.3) with corrections and Revised preface 1982,by london:Routledge
  『ハイエク全集 第十巻 法と立法と自由V 自由人の政治的秩序』渡辺茂訳,春秋社、1988
(018)Money, Capital and Fluctuation:early essays,R.McClougry,ed,Chicago:University of Chicago Press,London:Rouledge,1984
(019)The Fatal conceit:the errors of socialism,The collected works of Friedrich August Hayek,vol 1,edited par W.W Bartley III,London:Routledge,1988
Reprinted in 1989,Chicago:University of Chicago press
(020)The trend of Economic thinking,The collected works of Friedrich August Hayek,vol III,edited by W. W.Bartley III et S.Kresge,London:Routledge and Chicago:University of Chicago Press,1991
(021)The fortunes of Liberalism,The collected works of Friedrich August Hayek, vol IV,edited by P.G.Klein,London:Routledge and Chicago:University of Chicago Press,1992
(022)Hayek on Hayek:An Autobiographical Dialogue,Kresge,Stephen & Wenar,Leifeds London: Routledge and Chicago:Univsity of Chicago Press,1994
(023)Contra Keynes and Cambridge:Essays,Correspondence,The collected works of Friedrich August Hayek, vol IX,edited by Bruce Caldwell,London:Routledge and Chicago:University of Chicago Press,1995
(024)Socialism and War:Essays,Documents,Reviews,The collected works of Friedrich August Hayek, vol X,edited by Bruce Caldwell, London:Routledge and Chicago:University of Chicag of Press,1997
(025)Good Money Part I The New World,The collected works of Friedrich August Hayek, vol V,edited by Stephen Kresge, London: Routledge and Chicago:University of Chicago Press,1999
(026)Good Money Part II The Standard,The collected works of Friedrich August Hayek, vol VI,edited by Stephen Kresge, London: Routledge and Chicago:University of Chicago Press, 1999
(027)The Essence of Hayek,Nishiyama,Chiaki,& Leube,Kurt R. (Eds.),Stanford : Hoover Institution Press,1984
(028)Freiburger Studien,Tubingen : J.C.B.Mohr,1969
(029)Die Anmabung von Wissen:Neue Freiburger Studien,Kerber,Wolfgang(Hersg.),Tubingen:J.C.B.Mohr,1996
(030)Wirtschaft,Wissenschaft und Politik:Aufsatze zur Wirtschaftspolitik,Vanberg,Viktor(Hrsg.),Tubingen:Mohr Siebeck,2001,Gesammelte Schriften in deutscher Sprache Band 6
(031)Grundsatze einer liberalen Gesellschaftsordnung Aufsatze zur Politischen Philisophie und Theorie,Vanberg,Viktor(Hrsg.),Tubingen:Mohr Siebeck,2002,Gesammelte Schriften in deutscher Sprache Band 5
(032)Rechtsordnung und Handelnsordnung Aufsatze zur Ordnungsokonomik,Streit,NabfredE.(Hrsg.),Tubingen:Mohr Siebeck,2003,Gesammelte Schriften in deutscher Sprache Band 4
(033)Recht,Gesetz und Freiheit,Streit,NabfredE.(Hrsg.),Tubingen:Mohr Siebeck,2003,Gesammelte Schriften in deutscher Sprache B:Band 4

ハイエクに関する英米を中心ににした研究文献の詳細は、The Friedrich Hayek Scholars' Pageで見ることが出来る。

(R001)Allen,R.T..Beyond Liberalism:The Political Thought of F.A.Hayek & Michael Polanyi,New Brunswick:Transaction Publishers,1998
(R002)Barry,N.,Burton,J.,Gissurason,H.H.,Gray,J.,et al..Hayek's 'Serfdom' Revisited : Essays by Econs.,Phils. and Pol. Sci. on 'The R. to S.' after 40 Years,London : The Institute of Economic Affairs,1984
(R003)Barry,Norman P..Hayek's Social and Economic Philosophy,London : Macmillan,1979
『ハイエクの社会・経済哲学』 矢島鈞次訳、春秋社、1984
(R004)Birner,Jack & Rudy Van Zijp (eds)..Hayek,Co-ordination and Evolution:His Legacy in Philosophy,Politics,Economics & the History of Ideas,London:Routledge,1994
(R005)Boettke,Peter J.(ed.)..The Legacy of Friedrich von Hayek,3 Vols.,Cheltenham:Edward Elgar,1999
(R006)Bofinger,Peter..Wahrungsweebewerb:Wine systematiche Darstellung und kritische Wurdigung von F.von Hayeks,Koln:Carl Heymanns Verlag,1985
(R007)Boudewijn Bouckaert/Annette Godart-Van Der Kroon(Ed.)..Hayek Revisited,Cheltenham:Edward Elgar,2000
(R008)Bouillon,Hardy..Ordnung,Evolution und Erkenntnis - Hayeks Sozialphilosophie & ihre erkenntnistheoretische Grundlage,Tubingen:J.C.B.Mohr,1991
(R009)Butler,Eamonn..Hayek : His Contribution to the Political and Economic Thought of Our Time,London : Temple Smith,1983
(R010)Butler,Eamonn /Pirie,Madsen (ed.)..Hayek on the Fabric of Human Society,London:The Adam Smith Institute,1987
(R011)Caldwell,Bruce J..Hayek's Challenge: Intellectual Biography of F.A. Hayek,Chicago:niv of Chicago Press,2003
(R012)Cochran,John P./Fred R.Glahe.The Hayek-Keynes Debate-Lessons for Current Business Cycle Research, New York:The Edwin Mellen Press,1999
(R013)Colenna,M./H.Hagemann(eds.).Money and Business Cycles:The Economics of F.A.Hayek Vol.1,Aldershot:Edward Elgar,1994
(R014)Colenna,M./H.Hagemann(eds.)..Capitalism,Socialism and Knowledge::The Economics of F.A.Hayek Vol.2,Aldershot:Edward Elgar,1994
(R015)Covell,Charles..The Defence of Natural Law:a study of the ideas of law and justice in the writings of Lon L. Fuller, Michael Oakeshot, F.A. Hayek, Ronald Dworkin, and John Finnis ,New York:ST. Martin's Press,1992
(R016)Cristi,Renato..Le Liberalisme Conservateur : Trois Essais sur Schmitt,Hayek et Hegel,Paris:Editions KIME,1993
(R017)Crowley,Brian Lee..The Self, the Individual, and the Community - Liberalism in the Pol.Tho. of F.A.Hayek & S./B.Webb,Oxford : Clarendon Press,1987
(R018)Cubeddu,Raimondo..The Philosophy of the Austrian School,Costa,Rachel M.(Tran.),London:Routledge,1993
(R019)Cubeddu,Raimondo..Friedrich A.von Hayek,Roma:Edizioni Borla,1995
(R020)Cunningham,Robert L.(Ed.)..Liberty and the Rule of Law, College Station:Texas A&M University Press,1979
(R021)Derix,Hans-Heribert..Sakulare Inflation,kompetitive Geld-ordnung und <unbeschrankte Demokratie>,Stuttgart:Gustav Fischer Verlag,1985
(R022)Dostaler,Gilles/Ethier,Diane (Sous la direction)..Friedrich Hayek:Pholosophie,economie et politique,Paris:Economica,1989
(R023)Ebenstein,Alan..Friedrich Hayek:A Biography, New York:Palgrave,2001
(R024)Ebenstein,Alan..Hayek's Journey: The Mind of Friedrich Hayek,New York:St Martins Press,2003
(R025)Espada,Joao Carlos..Social Citizenship Rights:A Critique of F.A.Hayek and Raymond Plant, London:Macmillan,1996
(R026)Fellhauer,Eric..Liberalismus und Verteilungsgerechtigkeit:Eine Unterschung der liberallen Gerechtigkeitstheorie F.A.Hayek,Furankfurt am Main:Peter Lang,1994
(R027)Ferry,Jerome..Friedrich A. Hayek:les elements d'un liberalisme radical,Nancy:Presses Universitaires de Nancy,1990
(R028)Fleetwood,Steve..Hayek's Political economy:The Socio-economics of Order,London:Routledge,1995
(R029)Forman,Frank..The Metaphysics of Liberty,Dordrecht:Kluwer Academic Publishers,1989
(R030)Frei,christoph/Nef,robert (eds.)..Contending With Hayek:On Liberalism,Spontaneous Order and the post-communist Societies in Transiion, Bern:Peter Lang,1994
(R031)Frowen,Stephen F.(ed.)..Hayek:Economist and Social Philosopher-A critical Retrospect,London:Macmillan1997
(R032)Gamble,Andrew..Hayek:The Iron Cage of Liberty,Cambridge:Polity Press,1996
(R033)Gaulke,Jurgen..Freiheit und Ordnung bei John Stuart Mill und Friedrich August von Hayek Versuch,Scheitern und Antith,Frankfurt am Main:Peter Lang,1994
(R034)Gissurarson,Hannes H..Hayek's Conservative Liberalism,NY:Garland Pub.,1987
(R035)Graf,Hans-Georg..uster-Voraussagen und Erklarungen des Prinzips bei F.A.von Hayek - Eine Methodologische Analyse,Tubingen : J.C.B.Mohr,1978
(R036)Gray,John..Hayek on Liberty,Oxford : Basil Blackwell,1984,1986 2ed ed,1998 3ed edt
『ハイエクの自由論』 照屋佳男・古賀勝次郎訳、行人社、1985、 増補版 1989
(R037)Hebermann,Gerd..Philosopie der Freiheit:Ein Friedrich August von Hayek Brevier,Thun:Ott Velrag,1999
(R038)Heine,Wolfgang..Methodologischer Individualismus,Wurzburg : Konigshausen und Neumann 1983
(R039)Hennecke,Hans Jorg..Friedrich August von Hayek:Die Tradition der Freiheit,Dusseldorf:Verlag Wirtschaft und Finanzen,2000
(R040)Hoppmann,Erich (Ed.)..Friedrich A. von Hayek,Baden-Baden : Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft,1980
(R041)Hoy,Calvin M..A Philosophy of Individual Freedom : The Political Thought of F.A.Hayek,Westport : Greewood Press,1984
(R042)Jack Birner/Pierre Garrouste/Thierry Aimar(Ed.)..F.A.Hayek as a Political Economist:Economic Analysis and Values,London:Routledge,2001
(R043)Jonh Cunningham Wood & Ronald N. Woods(Ed.)..Friedrich A.Hayek:Critical Assessments,4 Vols.,London:Routledge,1991
(R044)Klausinger,Hansjorg..Theorien der Geldwirtschaft - von Hayek und Keynes zu neueren Ansatzen,Berlin:Dunker & Humblot,1991
(R045)Klaver,Michael..Die Verfassung des Marktes:F.A.v.Hayek Lehre von Staat und Markt im Spiegel grundgesetzlicher Staats-und Verfassungrechtslehre,Stuttgart:Lucius & Lucius,2000
(R046)Kley,Roland..Hayek's Social and Political Thought,Oxford:Oxford University Press,1994
(R047)Kramer,Rolf..Sozial Gerechtigkeit-Inhalt ind Grenzen,Berlin:Duncker & Humblot,1992
(R048)Kukathas,Chandran..Hayek and Modern Liberalism, Oxford:Clarendon Press,1989
(R049)Leube,Kurt R. & Zlabinger,Albert H.(Eds.)..The Political Economy of Freedom : Essays in Honor of F.A.Hayek,Munchen Wien : Philosophia Verlag,1984
(R050)Luling,Hartmut Christian..Freiheit und Wirschaftlicher Liberalismus,Gottingen : Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht,1979
(R051)Lundstrom,Mats..Politikens Moraliska Rum En Studie i F.A.Hayeks Politiska filosofi,Stockholm:Almqvist& Wiksell International,1993
(R052)Machlup,Fritz (Ed.)..Essays on Hayek,NY.: New York University Press,1976
(R053)McCormick,Brian..Hayek and The Keynesian Avalanche,Hempstead:Harvester Wheatsheaf,1992
(R054)Meyer,Fritz W.,et al.(Eds.)..ORDO : Band 30;Zur Verfassung der Freiheit, Stuttgart : Gustav Fisher Verlag,1979
(R055)Nemo,Philippe..La Societe De Droit Selon F.A.Hayek,Paris:Presses Universitaires de France,1988
(R056)Nienhaus,Volker..Personliche Freiheit und Moderne Demokratie - F.A.von Hayek Demokratiekritik,Tubingen:J.C.B.Mohr,1982
(R057)O'Driscoll,Jr.,Gerald P..Economics As a Coordination Problem : The Contributions of Friedrich A.Hayek,Kansas City : Sheed Andrews and McMeel,1977
(R058)Pays,Bruno..Liberer la monnaie - Les contributions monetaires de Mises,Rueff et Hayek,Paris:Presses Universitaires de France,1991
(R059)Petsoulas,Christina..Hayek's Liberalism and Its Origins:His Idea of Spontaneous Order and the Scottish Enlightnment,London:Routledge,2001
(R060)Raybould,John..Friedrich A.von Hayek:La Vicenda Intellettuale del Piu Grande Scienziato Sociale del Nostro Secolo,Gioampaolo Garzarelli(Trans.),Viale dei Pini:Riubberttino,1999
(R061)Raybould,John(Compiled)..Hayek:A Commemorative Album, London:Adam Smith Institute,1998
(R062)Richardson,R..Hayek on Trade Union:Social Philosopher or `ropagandist?,London:The Centre for Economic Performance,1993
(R063)Rothlin,Stephan..Gerechtigkeit in Freiheit:Darstellung u. kritische Wurdigungdes Begriffs der Gerechtugkeit im Denken,Frankfurt am Main:Peter Lang,1992
(R064)Rowland,Barbara M..Ordered Liberty and the Constitutional Framework - The Political Thought of Friedrich A.Hayek,NY:Greenwood Press,1987
(R065)Sampson,Geoffrey..Liberty and Language,Oxford : Oxford university Press,1979
(R066)Sangines Villalva,Estela..Aspecto Monetario de la Theoria de Hayek-Ensayo Critico,Mexico:Universidad Nacional Autonoma De Mexico,1939
(R067)Saulnier,raymond J..Contemporary Monetary theory:studies of Some recent Theories of money,Price and production,New York:Columbia University Press,1938
(R068)Schafer,Jwan..Evolutionarer Erklarungsansatz von v.Hayek uber die Entstehung von Organisationen,Aachen:Shaker Verlag,1999
(R069)Sciabarra,Chris Matthew..Marx,Hayek and Utopia,New York:state University of New York Press,1995
(R070)Seldon,Arthur (Ed.)..Agenda for a Free Society : Essays on Hayek's The Constitution of Liberty,London : Hutchinson,1961
(R071)Shearmur,Jeremy..Hayek and After:Hayekian Liberalism as a Research Programme, London:Routledge,1996
(R072)Steele,G.R..Keynes and Hayek:The Money Economy,London:Routledge,2001
(R073)Steele,G.R..The Economics of Friedrich Hayek,New York:St. Martin's Press 1993
(R074)Streissler,Erich & Monika..Frierich August von Hayek,Sankt-Augustin:COMDOK,1993
(R075)Strissler,Erich,et al.(Eds.)..Road to Freedom : Essays in Honour of Friedrich A.von Hayek, London : Routledge & Kegan Paul,1969
(R076)Tomlinson,Jim..Hayek and the Market,London:Pluto Press,1990
(R077)Utzig,Siegfried..Konjunktur,Erwartungen und spontane Ordnung : Eine interpretain der Arbeiten Hayeks unter Berucks.,Frankfurt am Main:Peter Lang,1987
(R078)Vanberg,Viktor..Kulturelle Evolution und die Gestaltung von Regeln,Tubingen:J.C.B.Mohr,1994
(R079)Vanberg,Viktor..Liberler Evolutionismus Oder Vertragstheoretischer Konstitutionalismus ?,Tubingen : J.C.B.Mohr,1981
(R080)Vanberg,Viktor(Hrsg.)..Freiheit,Wettbewerb und Wirtschaftsordnung:Hommage zum 100,Geburtstag von Friedrich A.von Hayek,Freiburg:Haufe verlagsgruppe 1999
(R081)Vestuti,Guido..Il realismo politico:Di Ludwig von Mises e Freedrich von Hayek,Milano:Giuffre Editore,1989
(R082)Walker,Graham..The Ethics of F.A.Hayek,Lanham : University Press of America 1986
(R083)Weimer,Walter B. & Palermo,David S.(Eds.)..Cognition and the Symbolic Processes,Vol.2, Hilsdale : Lawrence Erlbaum Associates,1982
(R084)Zeitler,Christoph..Spontane Ordnung,Freiheit und Recht:Zur politischen Philosophie von Freidrich August von Hayek,Frunkfurt am Main:Peter Lang,1995
(R085)Zintl,Reinhard..Individualistische Theorien und die Ordnung der Gesellschaft,Berlin : Duncker & Humblot,1983
(R086)江頭 進『F.A.ハイエクの研究』日本経済評論社、1999 
(R087)古賀 勝次郎『ハイエクの政治経済学』 新評論、1981
(R088)古賀 勝次郎『ハイエクと新自由主義』 行人社、1983
(R089)嶋津 格『自生的秩序――ハイエクの法理論とその基礎』木鐸社、1985
(R090)千種 義人『現代景気理論――ハイエク景気理論』 理想社、1948
(R091)橋本 努『自由の論法――ポパ−・ミ−ゼス・ハイエク』創文社、1994
(R092)間宮 陽介『ケインズとハイエク――<自由の変容>』 中公新書 中央公論社、1989
(R093)渡辺 幹雄『ハイエクと現代自由主義――「反合理主義的自由主義」の諸相』 春秋社、1996
(R094) −−−−−『現代思想 特集・ハイエク 市場経済の論理』青土社、Vol. 19 No.2,1991-12

<Oskar Morgenstern>

(001)Wirtschaftsprognose: Eine untersuhung ihrer Voraussetzungen und Moglichkeiten, Vienna:Julius Springer Verlag,1928
(002)Die Grenzen der Wirtschaftspolitik,Vienna:Julius Springer Verlag,1934.
(003)The Limits of Economics,Translation by Vera Smith,London:W.Hodge,1937,Revised edition of (002)
(004)Theory of Games and Economic Behavior with John von Neumann,Princeton:Princeton University Press,1944.
(005)On the Accuracy of Economic Observations,Princeton:Princeton University Press, 1950. 2ed completely revised edition,1963
(006)International Financial Transactions and Business Cycle,National Bureau of Economic Research,Princeton:Princeton University Press,1959
(007)The Question of National Defense,New York:Random House,1959
  『米国国防の諸問題』筑土竜男訳、鹿島研究所 : 日本国際問題研究所, 1962
(008)Strategie-Heute(enlarged and new Preface),Frankfurt,1962,Translation of (007)
(009)Spieltheorie und Wirtschaftswissenschaft,Vienna:R.Oldenbourg Verlag,1963
(010)The Predictability of Stock Market Prices(with C,W,J,Granger),Lexington:Heath,1970
(011)Long Term Projections of Power: Political, Economic, and Military forecasting,with Klaus Knorr and Klaus P. Heiss.
Cambrdige:Ballinger Publishing,1973
(012)Mathematical Theory of Expanding and Contracting Economies (with Gerald L. Thompson), Lexington: Lexington Books, 1976
(013)Selected Economic Writings of Oskar Morgenstern,Edited by Andrew Schotter,New York:New York University Press,1976

(R001)Aumann,Robert J.,et al.(ed.).Essays in game theory and mathematical economics in honor of Oskar Morgenstern,Mannheim:Bibliographisches Institut,1981
(R002)Deistler,M. , E. Furst, and G. Schwodiauer,(ed.).Games, economic dynamics, and time series analysis:a symposium in Memoriam Oskar Morgenstern organized at the Institute for Advanced Studies, Viena/Wien:Wurzburg:Physica-Verlag,1982
(R003)Dimand,Mary Ann/Robert W.Dimand.The History of Game Theory,Volume 1:From the Beginning to 1945,London:Routledge,1996
(R004)Henn,R. and O. Moeschlin.(ed.).Mathematical economics and game theory:essays in honor of Oskar Morgenstern,Berlin;New York:Springer-Verlag,1977
(R005)Shubik,Martin (ed.).Essays in mathematical economics:in honor of Oskar Morgenstern,Princeton, N.J.:Princeton University Press,1967

<Fritz Machlup>

(001)Der Goldkernwahrung: Eine Wahrungsgeschichtliche und wahrungstheoretische Untersuchung,Halberstadt:Meyer, 1925
(002)Die neuen Wahrungen in Europa, Finanz-und Volkswirtschaftliche Zeitfragen,No.92,Stuttgart:Enke, 1927
(003)Borsenkredit : Industriekredit undKapitalbildung,Wien : Springer, 1931
English translation of an enlarged edition under the title;The stock market:credit and capital formation, Tr. by Vera C. Smith,
London : Hodge, 1940.
  『株式市場,信用および資本形成』永田永寿訳、神戸大学経営学部有価証券研究センター編、千倉書房, 1970
(004)Fuhrer durch die Krisenpolitik,Wien : Springer, 1934
(005)International Trade and the National Income Multiplier,Philadelphia : Blakiston,1943
(006)The basing-point system : an economic analysis of a controversial pricing practice,Philadelphia ; Toronto : Blakiston,1949
(007)The Political Economy of Monopoly:business, labor and government policies, Baltimore : Johns Hopkins Press, 1952
(008)The Economics of Sellers' Competition:model analysis of sellers' conduct, Baltimore : Johns Hopkins Press,1952
  『売手競争の経済学──売手行動のモデル分析』服部正博訳、千倉書房, 1965
(009)An economic review of the patent system : study of the Subcommittee on Patents, Trademarks, and Copyrights of the Committee on the Judiciary,
United States Senate, eighty-fifth Congress, second session, pursuant to S. Res. 236,Washington:Government Printing Office,1958
  『特許制度の経済学』土井輝生訳、日本経済新聞社, 1975
(010)Der Wettstreit zwischen Mikro- und Makrotheorien in der Nationalokonomie,Tubingen : J.C.B. Mohr, 1960
English translation under the title;"Micro and Macro-Economics: Contested boundaries and claims of superiority",in Essays in Economic Semantics,
Englewood Cliffs:Prentice-Hall,1963
(011)Die Plane zur Reform des internationalen Geldwesens,Kiel:Istitut fur Weltwirtschaft an der Universitat Kiel,1962
English Translation,Plans for reform of the international monetary system,Princeton : Princeton University, 1962
(012)The Production and Distribution of Knowledge in the United States,Princeton, N. J. : Princeton Univ. Press, 1962
  『知識産業』高橋達男/木田宏共監訳産業能率短期大学出版部, 1969
(013)Essays in Economic Semantics,edited by Merton H. Miller,Englewood, N.J. : Prentice-Hall, 1963
Rev. ed. of: Essays on economic semantics. 1963
Economic semantics / Fritz Machlup ; with a new introduction by Mark Perlman. 2nd ed.,New Brunswick, N.J.: Transaction Publishers, 1991
  『経済学と意味論』マートン・ミラー編、安場保吉/高木保興訳日本経済新聞社, 1982
(014)International Payments, Debts and Gold:collected essays, New York : C. Scribner's, 1964
  『国際金融の理論』馬渕透訳、ダイヤモンド社, 1973
(015)Involuntary foreign lending, Stockholm : Almqvist & Wiksell, 1965
(016)Credit facilities or reserve allotments?,Princeton, N.J. : International Finance Section, Dept. of Economics,Princeton University, 1967
(017)Remaking the international monetary system : the Rio agreement and beyond, Baltimore : Published with the Committee for Economic Development by the Johns Hopkins Press,1968
(018)Education and economic growth,Lincoln : University of Nebraska Press,1970
  『教育の経済学』嘉治元郎訳、 春秋社, 1976
(019)The book value of monetary gold, Princeton, N.J. : International Finance Section, Princeton University,1971
(020)The alignment of foreign exchange rates,New York : Praeger Publishers,1972
(021)Der Aussenwert des Dollars : zum Problem der Unterbewertung und Uberbewertung einer Wahrung auf den Devisenmarkten,Tubingen : J.C.B. Mohr, 1974
(022)International monetary systems,Morristown, N.J. : General Learning Press, 1975
(023)Selected economic writings of Fritz Machlup,edited by George Bitros,New York : New York University Press, 1976
(024)A history of thought on economic integration,New York : Columbia University Press, 1977
(025)Methodology of economics and other social sciences,New York : Academic Press, 1978
(026)Knowledge : its creation, distribution, and economic significance, 3 Vols,Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, 1980-1984

(R001)Dreyer, Jacob S.(ed.).Breadth and Depth in Economics : Fritz Machlup:the man and his ideas,Lexington,Mass.:Lexington Books,1978

<Gottfried von Haberler>

(001)Der Sinn der indexzahlen:eine Untersuchung uber den Begriff des Preisniveaus und die Methoden seiner Messung,Tubingen : J.C.B. Mohr,1927
(002)Der internationale Handel : Theorie der weltwirtschaftlichen Zusammenhange sowie Darstellung und Analyse der Aussenhandelspolitik,Berlin : J. Springer,1933
English translation under the title;The theory of international trade : with its applications to commercial policy,translated by Alfred Stonier and Frederic Benham. New York : Macmillan, 1936
  『國際貿易論』(全2冊)松井清/岡倉伯士訳、 有斐閣, 1937
(003)Prosperity and depression : a theoretical analysis of cyclical movements,Geneva : Peague of Nations, 1937
New revised and enlarged edition,1939,2ed impressionn
Third edition enlarged by part III,1941
  『好況及び不況の理論──循環運動の理論的分析』宇治田富造訳、清和書店, 1938
  『景気不景気論』桑原晋譯、實業之日本社, 1944
  『景気変動論』(全2冊) 松本達治/ほか訳、東洋経済新報社, 1966-1967
(004)Consumer instalment credit and economic fluctuations, New York : National Bureau of Economic Research,1942
(005)Liberale und planwirtschaftliche Handelspolitik,unter mitwirkung von Stephan Verosta. Berlin : Junker und Dunnhaupt, 1934
(006)Quantitative trade controls : their causes and nature / Economic, Financial and Transit Department,Geneva : League of Nations, 1943
(007)A survey of international trade theory,Princeton: Princeton University, 1961
(008)Currency convertibility,New York : American Enterprise Association,1954
(009)Growth and balance in world trade : a challenge to American foreign economic policy, Cambridge : Harvard University Press, 1958
(010)Inflation : its causes and cures, Washington : American Enterprise Association, 1960
  『インフレーション──その原因と対策』加藤寛孝/小山高雅訳、東洋経済新報社, 1969』
(011)Money in the international economy : a study in balance of payments adjustment, international liquidity and exchange rates, London : Institute of Economic Affairs, 1965
(012)Geld in der internationalen Wirtschaft : eine Studie uber Zahlungsbilanzausgleich, internationale Liquiditat und Wechselkurse,Hamburg : Verlag Weltarchiv, 1965
(013)U.S. balance-of-payments policies and international monetary reform : a critical analysis,with Thomas D.Willett,Washington, D.C. : American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, 1968
(014)Presidential measures on balance of payments controls,with Thomas Willett,Washington, D.C. : American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research,1968
(015)A strategy for U.S. balance of payments policy,with Thomas D. Willett,Washington : American Enterprise Institute For Public Policy Research, 1971
(016)Incomes policies and inflation : an analysis of basic principles. With a prologue on the new economic policy of August 1971,Washington, D.C. : American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, 1971
(017)Inflation and the unions : three studies in the effects of labour monopoly power on inflation in Britain and the USA,with Michael Parkin and Henry Smith,London : Institute of Economic Affairs, 1972
(018)Some observations on Japanese-American economic relations,Washington, D.C.:American Enterprise Institute, 1973
(019)Economic growth & stability : an analysis of economic change and policies,Los Angeles : Nash Pub, 1974
(020)Some currently suggested explanations and cures for inflation,Washingto, D.C. : American Enterprise,1976
(021)The world economy, money, and the Great Depression, 1919-1939,Washington : American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, 1976
(022)Challenges to a liberal international economic order / edited by Ryan C. Amacher, Gottfried Haberler, and Thomas D. Willett,Washington : American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, 1979
(023)The problem of stagflation : reflections on the microfoundation of macroeconomic theory and policy,Washington, D.C. : American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, 1985
(024)International trade and economic development,San Francisco, Calif. : International Center for Economic Growth, 1988
(025)Essays on international economics,edited by Anthony Y.C. Koo,Aldershot, Hants, England ; Brookfields, Vt., USA : Edward Elgar, 1993
(026)Money, cycles and related themes,edited by Anthony Y.C. Koo,Aldershot, Hants, England ; Brookfield, Vt., USA : Edward Elgar, 1993
(027)Judging economic policy : selected writings of Gottfried Haberler / edited by Richard J. Sweeney, Edward Tower, and Thomas D. Willett, Boulder, Colo. : Westview Press, 1997

(R001)Rankoff,Iwan.Darstellung und Kritik der Theorie des internationalen Handels bei Haberler und Ohlin,Bonn:Scheur,1939
(R002)Baldwin,Robert E. et al.(ed.).Trade, growth, and the balance of payments : essays in honor of Gottfried Haberler,Amsterdam:North-Holland Publishing,1965

<William Harold Hutt>

(001)The Theory of Collective Bargaining,Glencoe:The Free Press,1954
(002)The Theory of Idle Resources:A Study in Definition,Second Edition,Indianapolis:Liberty Press,1977
(003)A Rehabilitation of Say's Law,Athens:Ohio University Press,1974
(004)The Keynesian Episode:A Reassessment,Indianapolis:Liberty Press,1979
(005)The Theory of Collective Bargaining 1930-1975,London:Institute of Economic Affairs,1975
(006)Keynesianism:Restrospect and Prospect:A Critical Restatement of Basic Economic Principles,Chicago:Henry Regnery,1963
(007)Plan for Reconstruction,London;Rouyredge,1943,
(008)Individul Freedom : Selected Works of William H.Hutt,Pejovich,S./Klingaman,D.(Ed.),Westport : Greenwood Press,1975
(009)Econmics and the Public:A Study of Competition and Opinion,New Brunswick:Transaction,1990

<Ludwig M. Lachmann>

(001)Fascistischer Staat und korporative Wirtschaft,Charlottenburg : Gebruder Hoffmann, 1930
(002)Capital and its structure,London : London School of Economics and Political Science (Univ. of London) : G. Bell, 1956
Reprinted Kansas City : S. Andrews and McMeel,1978,Studies in economic theory
(003)The legacy of Max Weber : three essays,London : Heinemann, 1970
(004)Macro-economic thinking and the market economy : an essay on the neglect of the micro-foundations and its consequences,London : Institute of Economic Affairs,1973,Hobart paper ; 56
(005)Capital, expectations, and the market process : essays on the theory of the market economy,edited with an introduction by Walter E. Grinder. Kansas City : Sheed Andrews and McMeel,1977,Studies in economic theory
(006)The market as an economic process, Oxford : Blackwell, 1986
(007)Expectations and the meaning of institutions : essays in economics by Ludwig Lachmann,edited by Don Lavoie.London;New York:Routledge,1994

(R001)Kirzner,Israel M.(ed.).Subjectivism, intelligibility, and economic understanding : essays in honor of Ludwig M. Lachmann on his eightieth birthday /New York : New York University Press,1986
(R002)Gloria-Palermo,Sandye.The evolution of Austrian economics:from Menger to Lachmann,London:Routledge,1999

<Israel M. Kirzner>

(001)The Economic Point of View : An Essay in the History of Economic Thought,Princeton:Nostrand,1960
Reprinted,Kansas City:Sheed and Ward,1976
(002)Market Theory and the Price System, Princeton : D. Van Nostrand,1963
(003)An Essay on Capital,New York:Augustus M. Kelley,1966
Republished in Essays on Capital and Interest,1996
(004)Competition and Entrepreneurship,Chicago : University of Chicago Press,1973
(005Perception, Opportunity, and Profit : Studies in the Theory of Entrepreneurship,Chicago:University of Chicago Press,1979
(006)Discovery and the Capitalist Process,Chicago : University of Chicago Press,1985
(007)Discovery, Capitalism, and Distributive Justice,Oxford;New York:B.Blackwell,1989
(008)The Meaning of Market Process:Essays in the Development of Modern Austrian Economics,London;New York:Routledge,1992
(009)Essays on Capital and Interest:An Austrian Perspective,Cheltenham,UK;Brookfield,VT:Edward Elgar,1996
(010)How Markets Work:Disequilibrium,Entrepreneurship and Discovery,London:Institute of Economic Affairs,1997,Hobart paper;no.133
(011)The Driving Force of the Market:Essays in Austrian Economics,London;New York:Routledge,2000
(012)Ludwig von Mises:The Man and His Economics,Wilmington, Del.:ISI Books,2001

(R001)Boettke,Peter J./Rizzo,Mario J.,(eds.).Advances in Austrian Economics,Vol.2 Part.A/B,Greenwich:JAI Press,1995

<Murray N. Rothbard>

(001)Toward a Reconstruction of Utility and Welfare Economics,New York:The Center for Libertarian Studies,1956,Occasional Papers Series 3
(002)Man, Economy, and State: A Treatise on Economic Principles. (2 volumes.) Princeton, NJ: D. Van Nostrand Co.,1962.
Reissue, Los Angeles: Nash Publishing Co., 1970. New York: New York University Press, 1979. Auburn University, Alabama: The Ludwig von Mises Institute, 1993.
(003)The Panic of 1819: Reactions and Policies. New York: Columbia University Press, 1962.
(004)America's Great Depression. Princeton, NJ: D. Van Nostrand Co., 1963.
Reissued, Los Angeles: Nash Publishing Co., 1972 with introduction to the 2nd Edition. Revised edition, New York: New York University Press, 1975. New York: Richardson and Snyder, 1983. fifth edition, with an introduction by Paul Johnson, Mises Institute, 2000.
(005)What Has Government Done to Our Money? Colorado Springs, CO: Pine Tree Press,1963
(006)Economic Depressions: Causes and Cures. Lansing, MI: Constitutional Alliance, Inc., March 5, 1969. Constitutes part of the National Issues Series of Politics, Vol. 4 No. 8.
Reprinted in Richard Ebeling (ed.), The Austrian Theory of the Trade Cycle and Other Essays, Occasional Paper Series #8. New York: The Center for Libertarian Studies, September 1978, pp.21-34. Washington D.C: The Ludwig von Mises Institute, 1983.
(007)Power and Market, Government and the Economy. Menlo Park, CA: Institute for Humane Studies, 1970. Kansas City: Sheed Andrews and McMeel, 1977.
(008)Education, Free and Compulsory: The Individual's Education. Wichita, KS: Center for Independent Education, 1972. Reprinted Auburn AL: The Ludwig von Mises Institute, 1999.
(009)Left and Right, Selected Essays 1954-1965. New York: Arno Press, 1972.
(010)For a New Liberty, the Libertarian Manifesto. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1973.
Revised edition with preface and a new Chapter 1, The Libertarian Heritage. NY: Collier Books, 1978.
(011)The Essential von Mises. Lansing, Ml: Bramble Minibooks: 1973.
Reprinted 4th Edition in Ludwig von Mises, Planning for Freedom. South Holland: Libertarian Press, 1980
Reprinted by Washington D.C: The Ludwig von Mises Institute, 1983.
(012)Egalitarianism As a Revolt Against Nature and Other Essays. Washington, DC: Libertarian Review Press, 1974.
(013)Conceived in Liberty, Volume I:A New Land, A New People, The American Colonies in the Seventeenth Century. New Rochelle, NY: Arlington House Publishers, 1975
(014)Conceived in Liberty, Volume II:"Salutary Neglect": The American Colonies in the First Half of the Eighteenth Century. New Rochelle, NY: Arlington House Publishers, 1975.
(015)Conceived in Liberty, Volume III:Advance to Revolution 1760-1784. New Rochelle, NY: Arlington House Publishers, 1976.
(016)Conceived in Liberty, Volume IV:The Revolutionary War 1775-1784. New Rochelle, NY: Arlington House Publishers, 1979.
(017)Individualism and the Philosophy of the Social Sciences. San Francisco: Cato Institute (Cato Paper No. 4), 1979
(018)The Great Depression and New Deal Monetary Policy,Garrett,Garet/Rothbard,Murray N.,San Francisco:CATO Institution,1980,CATO Paper No.13
(019)The Ethics of Liberty. Atlantic Highlands, NJ: Humanities Press, 1982.
Reissued with new introduction by H. H. Hoppe. New York: New York University Press, 1998.
(020)The Mystery of Banking,New York: Richardson and Snyder, 1983.
(021)Ludwig von Mises: Scholar, Creator, Hero. Auburn, AL: The Ludwig von Mises Institute, 1988.
(022)The Case for a 100 Percent Gold Dollar. Auburn, AL: The Ludwig von Mises Institute, 1991.
(023)Freedom, Inequality, Primitivism, and the Division of Labor. Auburn, AL: The Ludwig von Mises Institute, 1991.
(024)The Case Against the Fed. Auburn, AL: The Ludwig von Mises Institute, 1994.
(025)Economic Thought Before Adam Smith: An Austrian Perspective on the History of Economic Thought (Vol. I). Brookfield, VT: Edward Elgar Publishing Company, 1995.
(026)Classical Economics: An Austrian Perspective on the History of Economic Thought (Vol. II). Brookfield, VT: Edward Elgar Publishing Company, 1995
(027)Wall Street, Banks, and American Foreign Policy. Center for Libertarian Studies, 1995.
(028)Making Economic Sense. Auburn, AL: The Ludwig von Mises Institute, 1995.
(029)The Logic of Action One: Method, Money, and the Austrian School. Glos, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., 1997.
(030)The Logic of Action Two: Applications and Criticism from the Austrian School. Glos, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., 1997
(031)The Irrepressible Rothbard:The Rothbard-Rockwell Report Essys of Murray N.Rothbard,Rockwell,Llewellyn H.(Ed.),Burlingame:The Center for Libertarian Studies,2000
(032)A History of Money and Banking in the United States:The Colonial Era to World War II,Salerno,Joseph T.(Ed.),Auburn:Ludwig Von Mises Institute,2002

(R001)Block,Walter/Rockwell,Llewllyn H.(eds.).Man,Economy,and Liberty:Essays in Honor of Murray N.Rothbard, Aurburn:The Ludwig von Mises Institute, 1988, pbk
(R002)Bryant,John.Libertarian Dirt:Everything You're not supposed to Know About M.Rothbard,R.Poole & Other Movement Icons,St Petersburg Beach:The Socratic Press,1995
(R003)Gordon,David,Carl Ealner(eds.).Murray N.Rothbard:A Scholar In Defence of Freedom,Aurburn:The Ludwig von Mises Institute,1986
(R004)Raimondo,Justin.An Enemy of the State:The Life of Murray N.Rothbard,Amherst:Prometheus Books,2000
(R005)Rockwell Jr.,Llewllyn H.Murray N.Rothbard:In Memoriam, Auburn:Ludwig von Mises Institute, 1995
(R006)Romano, Richard ; Leiman, Melvin M.Views on capitalism,Beverly Hills:Glencoe Press,1970
(R007)Sciabarra,Chris Matthew.Total freedom:toward a dialectical libertarianism,University Park,Pa.:Pennsylvania State University Press,2000
(R008)Watner,Carl.Murray N. Rothbard:A Scholar in Defense of Freedom,Auburn:The Ludwig von Mises Institute,1986

<Hans-Hermann Hoppe>

(001)Praxeology and Economic Science,Auburn:The Ludwig von Mises Institution,1988
(002)A Theeory of Socialism and Capitalism-Economics,Politics and Ethics,Boston:Kluwer Academic Pub.,1989
(003)The Economics and Ethics of Private Property,Boston:Kluwer Academic Pub.,1993
(004)Economic Science and the Austrian Method,Auburn:Ludwig Von Mises Institute,1995
(005)Natural Elites,Interectuals, and the State,Aurburn:Ludwig von Mises Institute,1995
(006)The Private Production of Deffense,Auburn:The Ludwig von Mises Institute,1999
(007)Democracy-The God That Failed:The Economics & Politics of Minarchy,Democracy,and Natural Order,New Brunswick:Transaction Publishers,2001
(008)The Myth of National Defense: Essays on the Theory and History of Security Production,Mises Institute, 2003

<Peter J.Boettke>

(001)The Political Economy of Soviet Socialism:The Formative Years,1918-1928,Boston:Kluwer Academic Publishers,1990
(002)Why Perestroika Failed:The Politics and Economics of Socialist Transformation,London:Routledge,1993
(003)Calculation and Coordination:Essays on Socialism and Transitional Political Economy,London:Routledge,2001
(004)(ed.)The Elgar Companion to Austrian Econmics,Aldershot:Edwar Elgar,1994
(005)(ed.)The Collaose of Development Planning,New York:New York University Press,1994
(006)(ed.)Socialism and the Market:The Socialist Caluculation Debate Revisited , 9 Vols.New York:Routledge,2000
(007)Boettke,Peter J./David L.Prychitke (eds.),The Market process:Essays in Contemporary Austrian Economics,Aldershot:Edward Elger,1994
(008)Boettke,Peter J./David L.Prychitko(eds.)Market Process Theories,2 Vols.Cheltenham:Edward Elgar,1998

<Lawrence H.White>

(001)Free Banking in Britain:Theory,experoence,and debate,1800-1845,Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1984,London:The Institute of Economic Affairs,1995,2ed ed.
(002)Competition and Currency : Essays on Free Banking and Money,NY:New York University Press,1989
(003)The Methodology of the Austrian School of Economics,Auburn:The Ludwig von Mises Institute,1984
(004)The Theory of Monetary Institutions,Oxford:Blackwell,1999
(005)(ed.)The Crisis in American Banking,New York:New York University Press,1993
(006)(ed.)Free Banking,3 Vols.Aldershot:Edward Elgar,1993

(001)Armentano,Dominick T.Antitrust and Monopoly-Anatomy of a Policy Failure,NY:Holmes & Meier,1982,2ed ed.1990(Independent Studies in Political Economy)
(002)Armentano, D.T. Antitrust Policy: The Case for Repeal, Washington, D.C.: Cato Institute, 1986.
(003)Armentano,D.T.The Myths of Antitrust:Economic Theory and Legal Cases,New York:Arlington House,1972
(004)Block,Walter,Defending the Undefendable,NY : Fleet Press Corporation,1976
(005)Bosch,Alfred/Koslowski,Peter/Veit,Reinhold (ed.),General Equilibrium or Market Process - Neoclassical and Austrian Theories of Economics,Tubingen:J.C.B.Mohr,1990
(006)Caldwell,Bruce J..Hayek's Challenge: Intellectual Biography of F.A. Hayek,Chicago:niv of Chicago Press,2003
(007)Caldwell,Bruce J. (Ed.),Carl Menger and His Legacy in Economics,Durham:Duke University Press,1990
(008)Caldwell,Bruce J. (Ed.),The Philosophy and Methodology of Economics,3 Vols.,Aldershot:Edward Elgar Publishing,1993
(009)Caldwell,Bruce J./Boehm,Stephan (Eds.),Austrian Economics:Tensions and New Directions,Boston:Kluwer Academic Publishers,1992
(010)Callahan,Gene,Economics for Real People:An Introduction to the Austrian School,Auburn:Mises Institute,2002
(011)Cordato,Roy E.,Welfare Economics and Externalities in an Open Ended Universe:A modern Austrian Perspective,Boston:Kluwer Academic Pub.,1992
(012)Cowen,Tyler,Risk and Business Cycles:new and old Austrian Perspectives,London:Routledge,1997
(013)Cowen,Tyler,The Praise of Commercial Culture,Cambridge:Harvard University Press,1998
(014)Cowen,Tyler/Parker,David,Markets in the Firm:A Market-Process Approach to Management,London:IEA,1997
(015)Dolan,Edwin G.(Ed.),The Foundations of Modern Austlian Economics,Kansas City : Sheed Andrews and McMeel,1976
(016)Dowd,Kevin,The State and the Monetary System,NY:St. Martine's Press,1989
(017)Dowd,Kevin,Laissez-Faire Banking,London:Routledge,1993
(018)Dowd,Kevin,Money and the Market:Essays on Free Banking,London:Routledge,2001
(019)Dowd,Kevin(Ed.),The Experience of Free Banking,London:Routledge,1992
(020)Dowd,Kevin & Richard H.Timberlake (Eds.),Money and the Nation State:the Financial Revolution,Government and the World Monetary System,New Brunswick:transaction Publishers,1998
(021)Ebeling,Richard M.Austrian Economics and the Political Economy of Freedom,Aldershot:Edward Elgar,2003
(022)Ebeling,Richard M.(Ed.),Austrian Economics : Perspectives on the Past and Prospects for the Future,Hillsdale:Hillsdale College Press,1991
(023)Ebeling,Richard M.(Ed.),Austrian Economics : A Reader,Hillsdale:Hillsdale College Press,1991
(024)Endres,A.M.,Neoclassical Microeconomic Theory:The Founding Austrian Version,London:Routledge,1997
(025)Faber,Malte (Ed),Studies in Austrian Capital Theory,Investment and Time,Berlin:Springer-Verlag,1986
(026)Faber,Malte/John Proops/Stefan Speck/Frank Jost,Capital and Time in Ecological Economis:Neo-Austrian Modelling,Cheltenham:Edward Elgar,1999
(027)Foss,Nicolai Juul,The Austrian School and Modern Economics,Copenhagen:Handelsojskolens Forlag,1994
(028)Foss,Nicolai Juul/Klein,Peter G.(Eds.),Entrepreneurship and the Firm:Austrian Perspectives on Economic Organization,Cheltenham:Edward Elgar,2002
(029)Garrison,Roger W.Austrian Macroeconomics,Menlo Park:Inst. for Hemane Studies,1978,(Studies in Economics No.5)
(030)Garrison,Roger W.Time and Money:The Macroeconomics of Capital Structure,London:Routledge,2001
(031)Gloria-Palermo,Sandye,The Evolution of Austrian Economics:From Menger to Lachmann,London:Routledge,1999
(032)Gordon,David,Ludwig von Mises:An Annotated Bibliography,Auburn:The Ludwig von Mises Institution,1988
(033)Gordon,David,The Philosophical Origins of Austrian Economics,Auburn:The Ludwig von Mises Institute,1993
(034)Gordon,David,Hermeneutics Versus Austrian Economics,Auburn:The Ludwig von Mises Institution,1986
(035)Gordon,David,An Introduction to Economic Reasoning,Auburn:Ludwig von Mises Institute,2000
(036)Grassl,Wolfgang/Smith,Barry (Eds.),Austrian Economics : Histrical and Philosophical Background,London : Croom Helm,1986
(037)Groenveld,K./Maks,J.A.H./Muysken,J. (Eds.),Economic Policy and the Market Process:Austrian and Mainstream Economics,Amsterdam:North Holland,1990
(038)Harper,David A.,Entrepremueurshp and the Market Process:An Enquiry into the growth of Knowledge,London:Routledge,1996
(039)Harper,David A.Foundations of Entrepremueurshp and Economic Development,London:Routledge,2003
(040)Hicks,John,Capital and Time:A Neo-Austrian Theory,Oxford:Clarendon Press,1973
(041)Hicks,J.R./W.Weber(Eds.),Carl Menger and the Austrian School of Economics,Oxford:Oxford University Press,1973
(042)High,Jack,Maximizing,Action, and Market Adjustment:An Inquiry into the Theory of Economic Disequilibrium, Munchen:Philosophia Verlag, 1990
(043)High,Jack (ed.),Regulation:Economic Theory and History, Ann Arbor:he University of Michigan Press, 1991
(044)Holcombe,Randall G.(Ed.),15 Great Austrian Economists,Auburn:The Ludwig von Mises Institute,1999
(045)Horwitz,Steven,Microfoundations and Macroeconomics:An Austrian Perspective,London:Routledge,2000
(046)Horwitz,Steven,Monetary Evolution,Free Banking, & Economic Order,Boulder:Westview Press,1992
(047)Ikeda,Sanford Dynamics of the Mixed Economy:Toward a Theory of Interventionism, London:Routledge, 1997
(048)Ioanndes,Stavros,The Market,Competition and Democracy:A Critique of Neo-Austrian Economics,Aldershot:Edward Elgar,1992
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